I wonder if this is a new aesthetic and style of photos that we’ll be taking in times of social distancing. If it is, we’ll need a name for it and an iconic tool, perhaps a whole new innovation for… Continue Reading →
I’m thinking if this bird is trying to people watch and if it’s maybe slightly confused by all these humans locked down. And as I’m thinking of animals and lock downs, I’m wondering if, when this is over, we need… Continue Reading →
I normally feel like a bit of a misfit: thinking about death and the meaning of life, studying people, contemplating what the truth is… I’ve been called “dark”, “intense”, “negative”…. Whatever. Weirdly, in times of pandemic, all these idiosyncrasies come… Continue Reading →
I find it interesting that as my brain is trying to make sense of this situation, my involuntary memory (as Proust would call it) triggers various memories that take me back to various times and places… Empty supermarket takes me back to socialism, mistrust… Continue Reading →
How are you all doing? I’m doing okay – pretty well actually. Being isolated doesn’t even feel strange to me, it brings out the academic, the nerd and yes, it brings out my prison fantasies… Not that anybody’s asked me… Continue Reading →
How’s your perception of time changing? With so much uncertainty, the future for me is less about the seasons, holidays and events, and more about: “2 weeks before the peak, unknown time before I or my housemate go down, and then 2 weeks… Continue Reading →
Newfound super powers: social distance running and making puns #pundemic
I ordered some latex gloves and had a beautiful short interaction with the delivery guy: He knocks on the door, I open but maintain distance and he does too. We almost bow in front of each other to show we’re… Continue Reading →
I have a #coronaconfession to make – I’ve always had a fantasy about being in prison and having all the time in the world to just think, without any distractions. I even wrote a short story about that 20 years… Continue Reading →
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