Too True to be good

Tag truth

May 4, 2020: On leaks, storytelling and trust, Pt.2

This is not Quaranthropology but it is a continuation of the story: I like how in his films, Tarantino uses stories as a means of identification: this is my story, this is who I am, this is what I want and this… Continue Reading →

You’ve created a pretty good god in your head

This is disturbing but I feel like I really needed this lockdown to rest and have a bit of time for myself. It’s sad to realise how restless, stressed and tired I’ve been for the past 8 years. Truth be… Continue Reading →

On the danger of dreams and the importance of developing a true character

I’ve exiled myself. Removed myself from my country, my friends, my family, so I could find out what I was truly made of. This is the answer: I am made of dreams. Dreams, fantasies and nightmares were in the very… Continue Reading →

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