This is not Quaranthropology but it is a continuation of the story: I like how in his films, Tarantino uses stories as a means of identification: this is my story, this is who I am, this is what I want and this… Continue Reading →
I watched the Pope giving the Urbi et Orbi blessing yesterday. While it was about hope, visually, it communicated something entirely different.It made me think of the essay The Mass Ornament by Siegfried Kracauer (1963), in which he looks at… Continue Reading →
“Because of its place in our psychic life, a remembered adventure tends to take on the quality of a dream.” Georg Simmel ______ True was born out of a nightmare which was born out of a dream. All the attempts to write about her falsify… Continue Reading →
I’ve exiled myself. Removed myself from my country, my friends, my family, so I could find out what I was truly made of. This is the answer: I am made of dreams. Dreams, fantasies and nightmares were in the very… Continue Reading →
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