Too True to be good

Tag remotework

I’ll just never know

(A short story based on a long nightmare) I was assigned a new project for a big tech company I really liked and had worked with before. I had established a good rapport with the client, proven my expertise and… Continue Reading →

June 25, 2020: Uninspired

I’m so uninspired. All I keep wondering is how have the limits of what is safe for work or not safe for work changed in times of Corona and remote work? That’s it, I shall not even call this #Quaranthropology. But… Continue Reading →

April 21, 2020: I and Thou working remotely

I’m feeling more fatigued by the advice on how to do remote work and zoom than by the actual remote work and zoom calls. Yes, we can improve and optimize our ways of working, but we’re always missing something when we’re remote and far… Continue Reading →

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