Too True to be good

Tag quarantine

May 4, 2020: On leaks, storytelling and trust, Pt.1

A water pipe in our flat cracked at the weekend so we had to call a plumber. He was the same plumber who fixed our washing machine about 3 weeks ago while sharing conspiracy theories with us. I was looking… Continue Reading →

You’ve created a pretty good god in your head

This is disturbing but I feel like I really needed this lockdown to rest and have a bit of time for myself. It’s sad to realise how restless, stressed and tired I’ve been for the past 8 years. Truth be… Continue Reading →

April 4, 2020: Quarinterrior Design

My WFH hit a new low yesterday… Quite literally… But you know what, I might as well enjoy this messy improvised bedroom professionalism: The desk is a board I found in #trash. As the sticker shows, it must have belonged to… Continue Reading →

March 31, 2020: When this is over

I’m thinking if this bird is trying to people watch and if it’s maybe slightly confused by all these humans locked down. And as I’m thinking of animals and lock downs, I’m wondering if, when this is over, we need… Continue Reading →

March 26, 2020: Staying sane

How are you all doing? I’m doing okay – pretty well actually. Being isolated doesn’t even feel strange to me, it brings out the academic, the nerd and yes, it brings out my prison fantasies… Not that anybody’s asked me… Continue Reading →

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