I’m feeling more fatigued by the advice on how to do remote work and zoom than by the actual remote work and zoom calls. Yes, we can improve and optimize our ways of working, but we’re always missing something when we’re remote and far… Continue Reading →
You don’t have to be a digital nomad any longer. At last you can be digitally settled while still working remotely and enjoying the adventure of changing your life
This is not #Quaranthropology: A real problem for me this spring is the fact that I’ve always been attracted to lonely men as opposed to men in groups. But this April, I just can’t tell if they’re real loners or just… Continue Reading →
When I was a teenager, I loved skiing. I loved the freedom, the speed and the adrenaline of it. Once, I had this dream in which all the joys of skiing turned into a nightmare: It was Word War 3… Continue Reading →
I watched the Pope giving the Urbi et Orbi blessing yesterday. While it was about hope, visually, it communicated something entirely different.It made me think of the essay The Mass Ornament by Siegfried Kracauer (1963), in which he looks at… Continue Reading →
I hope you’re enjoying the sun and the outside. I hope you’ll get to see the family soon. I hope your hair is freshly died and your body is beach-ready. I’m doing all I can to make sure that, when… Continue Reading →
For the past 2 weeks, I’ve been a happy introvert, minding my own business, doing what I want and feeling quite content and relaxed. I went to the Club without any specific expectations but still hoping to experience a moment… Continue Reading →
This whole pandemic has been such a mindf*uck. Went to the Club to try to make sense of my own coping strategies and to get some direction as to what my role in the pandemic should be. The women and… Continue Reading →
Our honeymoon with Dionysus didn’t last long. A few weeks after our wedding, I went to the Club again and there was no talking, just preparation for war. Everybody’s faces were painted and I had no questions. A week later,… Continue Reading →
It’s not that I haven’t been going to the club – I have! Quite regularly as well. And I’ve been taking notes of what’s been happening in the Club but with everything that’s been going on first in my personal… Continue Reading →
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